Off to another show to see if we could improve our Rally Advanced scores. While we could move up to Rally Excellent and pursue our next title, I decided we should have a few more rounds of practice at the Advanced level. And today, we did do much better with a score of 94. The course was fun and included a lot of different elements. The ring stewards at the show to my surprise were my instructors and training partners so the pressure was on. I'm sure in Rally class tomorrow, Debbie will be pointing out all my flaws. LOL Helen gave me a great complement and said that Brew's attention on me was wonderful. And after watching the video, I was very proud of Brew's attention.
Yowzers, '94' - what a great run.
I was show proud of how he was paying attention to me. Off leash beagle - oh my!
This is a brilliant video, we have recently started rally-o at our dog training classes and our beagle, Bella loves it.
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